Tuesday, September 11, 2007


 Stem cells can form cartilage and bone-Science (The world's leading journal of original scientific research) 284, 143-
147; 2 Apr 1999

 Stem cell patients showed significant improvements in nerve
conduction velocities, and showed maintenance or slight
improvement in bone mineral density
Bone Marrow Transplant 215-222; Aug 2002, published by the NIH Bone marrow-derived stem cells appear able to form neuronal
-Science 290, 1775-1779; 1 Dec 2000

Bone marrow stem cells can form liver, skin, and digestive
tract cells
-New England Journal of Medicine 346, 738-746; 7 March 2002

Bone marrow stem cells can also participate in cutaneous
healing, contributing to repair of wound healing
-Journal Of Cellular Physiology 196, 245–250; 2003

Stem cells participate in the generation of new neurons within
the human brain-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 100, 1364-1369; 4
Feb 2003

Bone marrow stem cells have also been shown to contribute to Purkinje cells (Purkinje cells are brain cells that science had believed are
not generated after birth)-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 100, 2088-2093; 18
Feb 2003

Mobilized stem cells have also been used in renewal of cardiac tissue (Mobilized stem cells are those that have released into the
-Journal of Clinical Investigation 107, 1395-1402; June 2001

Bone marrow stem cells have also shown the ability to
participate in renewal of retinal tissues
-Nature Medicine 8, 1004-1010; Sept 2002
Scientific and Medical Facts on Adult Stem Cell Function

Human marrow stem cells have been shown to form cartilage
cells-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 99, 4397-4402; 2
Apr 2002

Bone marrow derived stem cells have also been shown
capable of renewing muscle tissue
-Science 279, 1528-1530; Mar 6, 1998

Bone marrow stem cells can participate in restoring kidney
-Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 14, S48-S54; 2003

Repopulation of liver cells from bone marrow stem cells could
take place in humans
-Nature 406, 257; 20 July 2000

Bone marrow derived stem cells have also demonstrated the
ability to induce renewal of the pancreas
-Bone Marrow Transplant 215-222; Aug 2002

Bone marrow derived stem cells can renew cardiac tissue and
improve cardiac performance in humans
-Nature Medicine 7, 430-436; April 2001 and many more

Studies indicate evidence that bone marrow stem cells can
renew lung tissue
-Development 128, 5181-5188; December 2001

Stem cells can home to lung tissue, then participate in
renewal of lung tissue and reduction of inflammation-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 100: 8407-8411; 8
July 2003

Bone marrow derived stem cells have been shown to
contribute to renewal of gastrointestinal tissue in human
-Archives of Dermatology 137, 1071-1072; Aug 2001 and many more
The documentations of adult stem cell function by mainstream science and medical
research are virtually endless. The previous are just a fraction. To find more, just
visit the science and medical
community’s online source for
retrieving such papers andarticles, www.PubMed.gov. Type stem cell in the search box and have access to
more than 150,000 studies. Adult stem cell will yield 30,000+ papers.
To search for a specific condition simply search for:
Adult Stem Cell + Your Specific Condition
Be sure to use the plus sign (+) with a space before and after to maximize your
Knowing what adult stem cells do in the human body, doesn’t
it make sense that having more of them in the bloodstream
will undoubtedly have profound effects on your health and
StemEnhance is proven to increase the number of
circulating stem cells by up to 30%, and has a patent to
back it up.